
Today Show 04/10/21

04 October 2021

SUBJECTS: NRL Grand Final; Nuclear-powered submarines; Support for locked-down businesses and workers; NSW Liberal leadership; Brian To’o NRL proposal. 

Gold FM Bendigo 04/10/21

04 October 2021

SUBJECTS: Economic support for regional Victoria; Morrison-Frydenberg Government slow to roll out vaccines but quick to cut support; Economic support should match the economic reality in communities.

ABC Brisbane Drive 04/10/21

04 October 2021

SUBJECTS: Pandora Papers and tax havens; Multinational tax reform.  

ABC Radio Darwin 29/09/21

29 September 2021

SUBJECTS: Morrison Government quick to cut support but slow to roll out the vaccine; Scott Morrison picking fights with states and territories and punishing Australians for his mistakes; Federal election.

Mix 104.9 Darwin 29/09/21

29 September 2021

SUBJECTS: Morrison Government slow to roll out vaccines but quick to cut support; Economic support should match the economic reality in communities; NT tourism operators ‘begging’ for support; Visit with Luke Gosling; Federal election; NRL Grand Final.

Darwin Doorstop 29/09/21

29 September 2021

SUBJECTS: Police Remembrance Day; Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide; Delamere defence project; Morrison Government slow to roll out vaccines and quarantine but fast to pull support; Scott Morrison picking fights with the states and punishing Australians for his own mistakes; Federal election; Tax policies; Mandatory vaccinations.

Mackay Doorstop 22/09/21

22 September 2021

SUBJECTS: More opportunities for more people in reginal Queensland; A Future Made in Australia; George Christensen more interested in encouraging mob violence than creating local jobs; Melbourne protests; Victorian earthquake; AUKUS diplomatic fallout; China policy; Josh Frydenberg. 

Townsville Doorstop 21/09/21

21 September 2021

SUBJECTS: John Ring Labor’s candidate for Herbert; LNP all announcement and no delivery for Townsville; Scott Morrison mightn’t hold a hose but John Ring does; If Australians want integrity in government, they have to end this Government; Josh Frydenberg thinks secret donations to Porter were fine; Liberals and Nationals divided over energy and North Queenslanders are paying the price; Morrison Government cutting JobKeeper to North Queensland tourism operators but sprayed around $13 billion to companies that didn’t need it. 

ABC Brisbane Drive 13/09/21

13 September 2021

SUBJECTS: 9/11 Anniversary and lessons from the War on Terror; Bipartisanship on national security; Joel Fitzgibbon’s retirement; Labor as the party of aspiration. 

Springfield Doorstop 10/09/21

10 September 2021

SUBJECTS: Labor’s commitment to the Springfield to Ipswich rail line; Morrison Government’s failures on vaccines and quarantine bleeding $85 billion from the national economy; Josh Frydenberg can lift a pen to write a press release but he won’t lift a finger to recover $13 billion in JobKeeper paid to companies that didn’t need it; Fowler preselection and federal election.