Today Show 06/09/21
06 September 2021
SUBJECTS: Father’s Day; State Borders; National reopening plan; Queensland vaccination rates; Mark McGowan.
Springwood Doorstop 05/09/21
05 September 2021
SUBJECTS: Stuart Robert torpedoes Scott Morrison’s dishonest campaign on national plan and states; Morrison Government a bin fire of inconsistency, incoherence and incompetence; Scott Morrison creating a climate of conflict to distract from failures; JobKeeper waste and mismanagement.
RN Breakfast 02/09/21
02 September 2021
SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Australia’s economy slowing last quarter and shrinking this quarter because of Scott Morrison’s failures on vaccines and quarantine; National plan, borders and vaccinations.
ABC News Breakfast 02/09/21
02 September 2021
SUBJECTS: National plan; Scott Morrison silent on vaccination plans for children; National Accounts; Australia’s growth now slower than US, UK, and the OECD average.
2SM Marcus Paul In The Morning 02/09/21
02 September 2021
SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Australia’s economy slowing last quarter and shrinking this quarter because of Scott Morrison’s incompetence; Australia’s growth now slower than US, UK, and the OECD average; Anthony Albanese’s vision to build back better after the pandemic.
Brisbane Press Conference 01/09/21
01 September 2021
SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Economy was slowing before Sydney lockdown; Australia’s growth now slower than US, UK, and the OECD average; Scott Morrison’s refusal to take responsibility; Vaccinations.
SKY News Afternoon Agenda 01/09/21
01 September 2021
SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Australia’s economy slowing last quarter and shrinking this quarter because of Scott Morrison’s incompetence; Australia’s growth now slower than US, UK, and the OECD average.
ABC Afternoon Briefing 01/09/21
01 September 2021
SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Australia’s economy slowing last quarter and shrinking this quarter because of Scott Morrison’s incompetence; National reopening plan; Vaccinations.
SKY News AM Agenda 31/08/21
31 August 2021
SUBJECTS: Tomorrow’s National Accounts; Economic consequences of Scott Morrison’s failures on vaccines and quarantine; NSW businesses waiting ten weeks for help; Scott Morrison picking fights over National Plan.