SKY First Edition 12/11/21
12 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Hundreds of thousands of Australians losing their jobs in the last few months; Patchy and uncertain recovery risks leaving too many Australians behind; Judge Scott Morrison on the last eight years of climate obstruction not the last eight days; Wages not keeping up with costs of living; Migration; Federal election debates; Challenging Josh Frydenberg to multiple election debates on wages, waste and the economy.
4BC Drive 11/11/21
11 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Brisbane storm damage; Job losses and labour market; Patchy and uncertain recovery risks leaving too many Australians behind; Federal election campaign; Scott Morrison, Anthony Albanese and the polls.
ABC Far North Queensland 10/11/21
10 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Labor’s $50 million commitment to a new CQU campus in Cairns; Elida Faith’s advocacy for Tropical Far North Queensland; Vaccination rollout; Skills shortages and jobs; Regional Queensland powering the recovery; Federal election.
Cairns Doorstop 10/11/21
10 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Federal Labor’s commitment to build a $50M CQ University campus in Cairns; skills shortage; Cairns’ economic recovery from the pandemic; climate change.
RN Breakfast 09/11/21
09 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Labor would welcome an election on the economy and eight years of wage stagnation and insecure work; Labor won’t be lectured by the most wasteful Government since Federation; JobKeeeper was a good idea that got ‘Frydenberged’; Scott Morrison’s climate pamphlet when Australians need a plan; Labor’s policies for cleaner and cheaper energy.
ABC North West Queensland 09/11/21
09 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Labor’s candidate for Kennedy; Mount Isa; Labor’s policies for cleaner and cheaper energy; Labor’s plan for cheaper childcare; Housing crisis; Eight years of wage stagnation and insecure work.
ABC Brisbane Drive 08/11/21
08 November 2021
SUBJECTS: : Economic recovery; The economy and the next election; Morrison and Frydenberg always claiming credit but never taking responsibility; Wages and the labour market.
Today Show 08/11/21
08 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Anti-vaccination protests; Vaccines for children; Economic recovery; Morrison and Frydenberg always claiming credit but never taking responsibility; Beer and wine research.
SKY Afternoon Agenda 08/11/21
08 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Economic recovery; The economy and the election; Stagnant wages; Climate change policies; Parliament.
Logan Doorstop 08/11/21
08 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Economic recovery; The economy and the next election; Morrison and Frydenberg always claiming credit but never taking responsibility; Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd; Scott Morrison’s failure to manage international relationships; Election timing; More attacks on wages, super and Medicare and more rorts if Coalition re-elected.