SKY AM Agenda 13/12/21
13 December 2021
SUBJECTS: The big reunion as Queensland’s borders reopen; Health advice and borders; Australia suffered its third biggest economic contraction in the September quarter due to the Morrison Government’s incompetence; Costs of living skyrocketing while real wages go backwards; Insecure work a cancer in the economy; Small business loans.
101FM Logan 8/12/21
08 December 2021
SUBJECTS: Labor’s Electric Car Discount; Manufacturing; Labor’s Powering Australia plan; The Ashes.
SKY Afternoon Agenda 7/12/21
07 December 2021
SUBJECTS: Economy and the election; Queensland border reopening; A Budget full or rorts and waste; Morrison Government chock-full of whack jobs compromising public health; The only way to end this madness is to end this Government.
ABC Brisbane Drive 6/12/21
06 December 2021
SUBJECTS: Christmas cards; Home quarantine; Labor’s Powering Australia plan; Labor’s Electric Car Discount.
Parliament House Doorstop 2/12/21
02 December 2021
SUBJECTS: Morrison Government finishes the year like a clapped-out clown car; Horror year for Australians and their economy; National Accounts; Religious Discrimination legislation; Voter-suppression legislation; Final sitting day of parliament.
ABC News Breakfast 2/12/21
02 December 2021
SUBJECTS: Third-largest quarterly contraction since records began; The downturn we didn’t have to have; OECD downgrades Australian growth and calls for better quality spending and a proper plan for climate change; Government dumps American-style voter-suppression laws; Labor welcomes an election fought on costs of living, falling real wages and the economy.
ABC Canberra Breakfast 2/12/21
02 December 2021
SUBJECTS: National accounts; Costs of living; JobSeeker; House Prices; Climate policy; Voter ID laws; Charities.
RN Breakfast 2/12/21
02 December 2021
SUBJECTS: Australia the worst performing advanced economy in the September quarter; The downturn we didn’t have to have; Cost of living pressures; Labour shortages and cost of living pressures the result of eight years of mismanagement not two; Morrison Government ends the year a clapped out clown car; Kate Jenkins’ recommendations; Farewell Fran Kelly.
John Laws Morning Show 2/12/21
02 December 2021
SUBJECTS: The Liar from the Shire; Cost of Living; National Accounts; Morrison government’s failure on vaccines and quarantine; September quarter economic contraction; OECD economies; GDP; petrol prices; interest rates; lockdowns; National Reconstruction Fund; Childcare; Rewiring the Nation.
Parliament House Doorstop 1/12/21
01 December 2021
SUBJECTS: National Accounts a story of a mismanaged pandemic and a mismanaged economy; Australia's economic performance last quarter the worst in the developed world; Morrison Government scare campaign about petrol prices and interest rates; Scott Morrison’s biggest lie is that he’s done a good job managing the economy; Morrison and Frydenberg always take credit but never responsibility; Coalition’s failure to tackle skills shortage at the same time two million Australians are searching for work or more hours; Omicron variant; Labor’s approach to the Budget; Housing affordability; Greg Hunt.