
Australia Today With Steve Price 17/12/21

17 December 2021

SUBJECTS: $1 trillion in debt with not enough to show for it; Coalition’s secret slush funds before the election and secret cuts after it, which is why the Morrison Government doesn’t want a federal anti-corruption commission; MYEFO assumes the Coalition will get everything right when they’ve got lots of the big calls wrong; Despite the unemployment figure 1.7 million Australians still searching for work or more hours; Treasurer always takes the credit but never takes responsibility; Labor’s positive plans to grow the economy the right way; MYEFO silent on housing affordability and skyrocketing costs of living.

ABC AM 17/12/21

17 December 2021

SUBJECTS: UK Free Trade Agreement; MYEFO; Higher wages under Labor; Stagnant wages and insecure work under the Coalition; Growing the economy the right way so ordinary families get a slice of the action; Coalition’s $16 billion secret slush funds; Labor’s more responsible Budget approach to crack down on waste and rorts.

Brisbane Press Conference 16/12/21

16 December 2021

SUBJECTS: MYEFO; Economy is recovering despite the Morrison Government not because of it; Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg can’t rort their way to recovery; Secret slush funds before the election and secret cuts to the Budget after the election; Labor’s positive plans to grow the economy the right way; Migration not a substitute for skills and training; Reported cyber-attack.

4BC Drive 16/12/21

16 December 2021

SUBJECTS: MYEFO; Economy is recovering despite the Morrison Government not because of it; Unemployment rate doesn’t tell the full story; Underemployment, insecure work and real wages going backwards; The Morrison government learnt absolutely nothing from furore over rorts and waste; Morrison government can’t rort the way to recovery; Morrison government sprung spending on political interests rather than national economic interest.

ABC NewsRadio Breakfast 16/12/21

16 December 2021

SUBJECTS: MYEFO; Unemployment, underemployment, insecure work and stagnant wages; Coalition has failed to meet its previous wage growth forecasts; Almost two million Australian looking for work or more hours at the same time we have skills shortages. 

SKY Afternoon Agenda 16/12/21

16 December 2021

SUBJECTS: 2021 MYEFO; real wages going backwards; Coalition falling short of wage forecasts; skyrocketing costs of living; 1.7 million Australians who can’t find a job or can’t find enough hours; Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg can’t rort their way to recovery; Secret slush funds before the election and secret cuts to the Budget after the election; LMITO; Labor’s plan to support working families, more secure jobs and a future made in Australia; Labor’s approach to the budget and the economy.

ABC Afternoon Briefing 16/12/21

16 December 2021

SUBJECTS: MYEFO; Economy is recovering despite the Morrison Government not because of it; Unemployment rate doesn’t tell the full story; Underemployment, insecure work and real wages going backwards; Lockdowns made necessary because of Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg’s complacency; The Morrison government learnt absolutely nothing from furore over rorts and waste; Morrison government can’t rort the way to recovery; Morrison government sprung spending on political interest rather than national economic interest; Labor’s responsible fiscal strategy; Labor’s strategy to get bang for buck on budget spending; Vaccine incentive; PEP-11; Importance of following COVID-19 health advice.

RN Drive 16/12/21

16 December 2021

SUBJECTS: MYEFO; Secret rorts before the election and secret cuts to the Budget after the election; The Morrison Government silent on costs of living but doubling-down on rorts and waste; Booster vaccines.

Logan Doorstop 15/12/21

15 December 2021

SUBJECTS: MYEFO; The only way to end the Morrison Government’s rorts is to end the Morrison Government; ACCC Chairperson; Scott Morrison bags Queensland for two years now wants to take credit for what’s been achieved here; Scott Morrison campaigning in Brisbane and Ryan; Pensioner Loan Scheme; Costs of living skyrocketing as real wages go backwards.

Today Show 13/12/21

13 December 2021

SUBJECTS: The big reunion as Queensland’s borders reopen; Vaccine protests; Anthony Albanese in Queensland; Queensland and the election; MYEFO; Josh Frydenberg always takes the credit but never takes responsibility.