Brisbane Press Conference 02/02/22
02 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Reserve Bank Governor’s Speech to the National Press Club; The Disintegrating Morrison Government; Cabinet Minister Text Messages About Scott Morrison; Unemployment and Wages Growth; Interest Rates Rises; Federal Labor’s Prospects in Regional Queensland; Anthony Albanese’s 10 Day Tour of Regional Queensland; Storms in Southern Suburbs of Brisbane and Logan City.
Australia Today With Steve Price 02/02/22
02 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Scott Morrison’s grab bag of political patch-ups and panic buying, slush funds and scare campaigns; Unemployment and underemployment; RBA interest rates decision; Record low wages growth and Labor’s plans to help get wages moving; Morrison Government out of touch with the skyrocketing costs of living.
SKY Business Now 02/02/22
02 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Reserve Bank Governor’s Speech to the National Press Club; Unemployment and Wages Growth; Interest Rates Rises; Negative Gearing and House Prices.
Brisbane Press Conference 01/02/22
01 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Morrison Government reduced to a grab bag of political patch-ups and panic buying, slush funds and scare campaigns; Prime Minister failed all five of the tests he set his own government at the Press Club this time last year; Australians can’t afford another three years like that last eight; Australia needs a leader not a marketing man masquerading as a Prime Minister; RBA interest rates decision; Morrison Government’s aged care crisis; Green hydrogen; Labor’s Powering Australia policy.
4BC Drive 31/01/22
31 January 2022
SUBJECTS: Newspoll; Budget will be all about rorts, waste and scare campaigns because that’s what this decade-long government has been reduced to; Budget repair is about bang for buck for taxpayers dollars; $16 billion in secret rorts before the election and secret cuts after it; Labor’s priority is ending the rorts and waste and multinationals paying their fair share of tax; The only tax hike in the Budget is from the current government.
Today Show 30/01/22
30 January 2022
SUBJECTS: China / Australia relations; NSW Liberal Treasurer calls out the Morrison Government for leaving NSW workers and small businesses behind; Morrison and Frydenberg going missing again.
Brisbane Doorstop 28/01/22
28 January 2022
SUBJECTS: Great Barrier Reef Funding; the Morrison Government’s record on Debt and Deficit.
Brisbane Doorstop 27/01/22
27 January 2022
SUBJECTS: Brisbane residents paying the price for Scott Morrison’s failures; Rapid test shortages; Scott Morrison’s mistakes impacting the economic recovery; Scott Morrison the Prime Minister for higher prices and lower wages; National Cabinet and support for small business; interest rates.
SKY Afternoon Agenda 24/01/22
24 January 2022
SUBJECTS: NSW Liberal Government mulling more support for workers and small businesses; Scott Morrison, Barnaby Joyce and Josh Frydenberg so out of touch they believe people aren’t dying from COVID, there are so many rapid tests Australians are hoarding them, and businesses and workers aren’t hurting; Josh Frydenberg’s selfie tour of Queensland should be an apology tour; Josh Frydenberg taking credit for a recovery without doing the work to secure it; WeChat.
Today Show 23/01/22
23 January 2022
SUBJECTS: WA border decision; Australia Day; The Morrison Government mustn’t make the same mistakes they made with vaccines, boosters and RATs with masks and other PPE for workers; Australian parents worried about getting kids back to school safely.