Today Show 20/02/22
20 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Chinese laser incident; Australians need a Prime Minister who is strong and calm and rational, not panicked and political and desperate; Trashing bipartisanship on national security makes Australians less safe and risks our national security; Coalition playing a dangerous game of footsie with extreme groups on the eve of an election.
RN Breakfast 15/02/22
15 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Government playing politics with national security makes Australians less safe; Low and Middle Income Tax Offset; Liberal calls for death taxes; Josh Frydenberg’s pathetic scare campaign on tax falling down around him; Labor and the Greens; Labor’s positive policies to ease the costs of the living and grow the economy the right way.
Parliament House Doorstop 15/02/22
15 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Josh Frydenberg’s desperate and dishonest scare campaign on death taxes has been blown out of the water; The only major party proposing a death tax is the Liberals; Foreign interference; Peter Dutton trashing national security for cheap political points; Government wants a fight not a fix with deportation laws; Alan Tudge investigation; Albo’s university economics essay.
Parliament House Doorstop 14/02/22
14 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Costs of living skyrocketing as real wages go backwards and millions of Australians face a tax hike weeks after the election; Treasurer engaged in increasingly unhinged and desperate scare campaigns, while the Prime Minister plays the ukulele; The big risk is more attacks on wages and job security and a coalition of chaos with Hanson, Palmer and Newman calling the shots; The only way to end the rorts and waste is to throw out this decade-old government.
Today Show 13/02/22
13 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Australians more interested in how well Scott Morrison does his day job, not how well he plays the ukulele; Labor’s positive policies for a better future.
New Politics Podcast 12/02/22
12 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Labor’s plan for an economy and society that is stronger after COVID than it was before; Morrison Government’s generational debt without a generational dividend; Morrison Government’s incompetence and complacency risks cruelling the recovery for workers and small businesses; Labor successfully amending the Religious Discrimination legislation to help protect children; Australians deserve so much more than a second decade of wage stagnation, rorts and waste; Anthony Albanese and Labor believe this election is about whether Australia can be better, stronger and more inclusive.
ABC Brisbane Mornings 07/02/22
07 February 2022
Today Show 06/02/22
06 February 2022
SUBJECTS: The people who know Scott Morrison best trust him least; Morrison Government a smouldering ruin of disunity and division; COVID crisis in aged care but Minister at the cricket and Morrison doing cringeworthy photo ops; International border closure; Latest Morrison Government distraction.
SKY Sunday Agenda 06/02/22
06 February 2022
SUBJECTS: Morrison Government a smoking ruin of disunity and dysfunction; Interest rates; Costs of living skyrocketing as real wages go backwards; Labor’s plan for the economy.
RN Breakfast 03/02/22
03 February 2022
SUBJECTS: RBA interest rates decision; Costs of living skyrocketing as real wages go backwards; Labor would welcome an election fought on economic management; A cabinet minister wants Australians to know the Prime Minister is a ‘psycho’ and went missing during the bushfires.