Melbourne Doorstop 18/03/22
18 March 2022
SUBJECTS: This Government’s ninth Budget shaping up like the last eight – secret slush funds before and secret cuts after; Budget won’t be about setting Australia up for a better future, it’ll be about setting Government up a fourth term; Costs of living skyrocketing, real wages going backwards, and Australian families falling further behind; Mourning Kimberley Kitching; Statement from Penny Wong, Kristina Keneally, and Katy Gallagher; Russia sanctions; Labor’s Powering Australia Plan; Labor’s Housing Future Fund.
Slacks Creek Doorstop 15/03/22
15 March 2022
SUBJECTS: Costs of living skyrocketing, real wages going backwards, Australians falling further behind; Costs of essentials were rising before the war in Ukraine; Labor won’t be lectured on budget responsibility by the most wasteful government since Federation; Fuel excise; Scott Morrison spends all day pretending to be someone else and his attacks on Anthony Albanese say more about him; MH17; Floods have worsened the existing housing crisis; Interest rates expected to rise no matter who wins the election.
ABC Afternoon Briefing 14/03/22
14 March 2022
SUBJECTS: Costs of living skyrocketing under Scott Morrison while real wages go backwards; Labor’s economic plan, excises.
SKY Afternoon Agenda 14/03/22
14 March 2022
SUBJECTS: Costs of living skyrocketing under Scott Morrison while real wages go backwards; Beer and Fuel Excises; Labor’s plans to help families deal with the rising costs of living; Newspoll, Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese.
Today Show 06/03/22
06 March 2022
SUBJECTS: Floods in South East Queensland and New South Wales, Scott Morrison’s unused $4.8 billion Emergency Response Fund that could have built flood mitigation projects, Labor’s Disaster Ready Fund to invest in disaster readiness.
RN Breakfast 03/03/22
03 March 2022
SUBJECTS: South East Queensland floods; Emergency support must flow quickly to those who need it; National Accounts; Many of the issues in the economy - stagnant wages, job insecurity, real wages going backwards, costs of living going through the roof, productivity going backwards, business investment going backwards – existed before the pandemic, floods, and Russia’s aggression in Ukraine; Labor’s policies to grow the economy the right way.
101FM 02/03/22
02 March 2022
SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Local flood clean-up; Morrison Government’s Emergency Respond Fund failures; Anthony Albanese; Labor’s National Reconstruction Fund; Pension increase.
Brisbane Doorstop 02/03/22
02 March 2022
SUBJECT: South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales floods; National Accounts; Costs of living skyrocketing while real wages are going backwards; The Morrison-Joyce-Frydenberg Government is always looking for someone else to blame; Petrol prices were going up before Russia crossed the border into Ukraine.