
Today Show 04/01/22

04 January 2022

SUBJECTS: Australians at their most vulnerable and most contagious abandoned by Scott Morrison; Australians either unable to find rapid antigen tests or being ripped off when they do; Queensland COVID restrictions; Words to avoid in 2022.  

2GB / 4BC Summer Drive 04/01/22

04 January 2022

SUBJECTS: Rapid test “Hunger Games”; Australians at their most vulnerable and most contagious abandoned by Scott Morrison; Australians either unable to find rapid antigen tests or being ripped off when they do; Scott Morrison doesn’t take responsibility; Queensland’s management of COVID. 

Adelaide Doorstop 29/12/21

29 December 2021

SUBJECTS: Louise Miller-Frost running in Boothby; Emergency Response Fund; rapid antigen tests; booster shots; Omicron; Scott Morrison failing to deliver; isolation periods; national cabinet; agricultural visas; Scott Morrison on TikTok; Scott Morrison’s holiday plans; Port of Darwin lease; trillion dollars of debt; budget repair; defence spending, hospitality venues shutting in South Australia; independent candidates.

Today Show 24/12/21

24 December 2021

SUBJECTS: Mask and health mandates; Best gift we can give this Christmas is to help keep each other safe; Frontline workers under huge pressures this Christmas; Australians worried Scott Morrison is stuffing up the booster rollout like he stuffed up the vaccine rollout; Surfing chicken; Dress code for Henley Beach.   

Sounds Of The Mountains 21/12/21

21 December 2021

SUBJECTS: Kristy McBain; First responders and essential workers; Morrison Government’s slow booster rollout; Mid-year budget update silent on the costs of living and stagnant wages; Liberals and Nationals doubling-down on secret slush funds before the election, and secret cuts after the election; Pandemic highlights the need for a future made in Australia; natural disaster season; AdBlue shortage and trucking industry; Labor’s positive policies and priorities in the economy; Federal election.

Moreton Doorstop 20/12/21

20 December 2021

SUBJECTS: Scott Morrison takes Queensland for granted; Scott Morrison needs to explain to Queenslanders why their real wages are going backwards while costs of living are skyrocketing; More Morrison stuff-ups in boosters the biggest risk to the recovery; Migration shouldn’t be an excuse not to train Australians as well.

ABC Brisbane Drive 20/12/21

20 December 2021

SUBJECTS: Morrison Government the second highest taxing government in the last 30 years; Decade of stagnant wages and job insecurity under the LNP; $1 trillion of Liberal debt and not enough to show for it; Migration and the economy; Mid-year Budget update silent on the skyrocketing costs of living; Labor’s positive policies to grow the economy the right way; The biggest risk to the economy is another bungled vaccine rollout; Bringing Australians together and not dividing them; Summer book recommendations.     

ABC News Breakfast 17/12/21

17 December 2021

SUBJECTS: Devonport tragedy; More cuts to real wages, risk of more slush funds and rorts and waste and secret cuts to come after the election if the Morrison Government is re-elected; Coalition fallen short of 52 of their 55 wage growth forecasts; MYEFO says nothing about costs of living but doubles-down on rorts and waste.

Brisbane Doorstop 17/12/21

17 December 2021

SUBJECTS: UK Free Trade Agreement; MYEFO should’ve been about skyrocketing costs of living and stagnant wages, instead it was about secret rorts before the election and secret cuts after it; Booster rollout; Julian Assange.

SKY First Edition 17/12/21

17 December 2021

SUBJECTS: MYEFO; Working families aren’t earning enough to keep up with the skyrocketing costs of living; Coalition notorious for overpromising and underdelivering on wages; Labor’s positive plans to grow the economy the right way; The most wasteful government since Federation; Scott Morrison has doubled-down on secret slush funds before the election, secret cuts after the election, and ordinary working families don’t get a look-in.