ABC Brisbane Drive 22/11/21
22 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Anti-vax protests and educating people about vaccines, Scott Morrison’s dog whistling double speak, Religious Discrimination Bill.
Insiders 21/11/21
21 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Anti-vax protests, Scott Morrison’s dog whistling double speak, Scott Morrison’s scare campaign over cost of living; Under Scott Morrison petrol prices are going up, Wages are going down, and Australian families are going backwards; Coalition’s appalling record on wages; Industrial Relations; Taxes and election policies; Debt and deficit, Morrison Government’s budget riddled with rorts and weighed down by waste; Migration; Cheaper and cleaner energy.
Canberra Airport Doorstop 21/11/21
21 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Scott Morrison’s biggest lie is that he’s managed the economy well; Morrison Government isn’t serious about integrity and religious freedoms; Scott Morrison’s dangerous and divisive politics.
Nundah Doorstop 18/11/21
18 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Under Scott Morrison petrol prices are going up, real wages are going down, and working families are going backwards; An election about the costs of living will be an election about wages; Scott Morrison always takes the credit but he never takes responsibility.
Logan Central Doorstop 17/11/21
17 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Real wages going backwards while petrol prices are skyrocketing; Scott Morrison’s scare campaign a dumpster fire of desperation and dishonesty; Scare campaigns and Labor policies; Craig Thompson.
ABC Gold Coast 16/11/21
16 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Carl Ungerer Labor’s candidate for McPherson; LNP taking the Gold Coast for granted; The election will be about the risk of three more years of attacks on wages, job security, Medicare and renewables; The Liar from the Shire’s increasingly desperate scare campaigns; Labor and the next election.
Gold Coast Doorstop 16/11/21
16 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Labor’s candidates for McPherson and Forde; LNP Members taking the Gold Coast for granted; Another bumbling burst of rambling incoherence from Barnaby Joyce; Coalition split on Glasgow agreement; Labor would task Treasury with modelling risks and opportunities from climate change; Google announcement; Liar from the Shire’s latest scare campaign on petrol and interest rates; Cheaper and cleaner energy policy.
ABC Brisbane Drive 15/11/21
15 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Inflation; Wages and the labour market; LNP’s political interference with the ABC.
ABC Afternoon Briefing 15/11/21
15 November 2021
SUBJECTS: Barnaby Joyce shouting at trains and ships is symbolic of eight shambolic years under the Liberals and Nationals; PM signing an agreement he has no intention of keeping; Glasgow climate summit; Government’s climate pamphlet; A faux PM staging a faux election campaign.
Springwood Doorstop 14/11/21
14 November 2021
SUBJECTS: We need Josh Frydenberg to be right for once about the recovery; It’s not a recovery if too many Australians are left behind and working families can’t get ahead; Australians paying the price for the Morrison Government’s complacency; 'Can do capitalism' code for ‘you're on your own’; Glasgow Climate Summit; Scott Morrison pretending to care about climate change on the eve of an election.