Media Releases

Government Cuts Vital Support in the Face of Rising Unemployment
15 October 2020
Today’s ABS Labour Force figures confirm 30,000 jobs have been lost in the last month while another 18,000 Australians gave up looking for work.
Early Withdrawal of Support Risks Recovery: IMF
14 October 2020
The IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook warns against the premature withdrawal of economic support against a backdrop of weaker growth and unacceptably high unemployment.
Hiring Subsidy Leaves Another 928,000 Australians Behind
07 October 2020
There are 928,000 Australians who have been deliberately excluded from the Morrison Government’s new hiring subsidies in a move which will keep the unacceptably long jobless queues even longer.
One Trillion of Debt and Unemployment Still Too High For Too Long
06 October 2020
The Budget will rack up a trillion dollars of debt but still doesn’t do enough to create jobs, fails to build for the future and leaves too many Australians behind.
Digital Announcement - A Cash Re-Hash and Three Years Late
29 September 2020
Scott Morrison’s marketing-based approach to this jobs crisis in the middle of the worst recession in almost a century continues today with his three-year- late digitisation announcement.
Deloitte: Jobs Plan Needed to Fill Hole From Government Cuts
28 September 2020
A new report from Deloitte has called on the Government to develop a comprehensive plan for jobs, to fill the gap left by the Government’s cuts to vital support programs.
Millions of Australians Worse Off From Morrison’s JobKeeper Cuts
28 September 2020
Today the Morrison Government is cutting JobKeeper payments to millions of Australians by at least $300 per fortnight in the middle of the deepest recession in almost a century.
Record Debt and Deficit But No Jobs Plan
25 September 2020
The 2019-20 Final Budget Outcome confirms a new record deficit and highest-ever debt but there’s still unacceptably high unemployment and no proper plan from the Government to turn this around.
Labor Urges Government to Remember Banking Royal Commission When Drafting Lending Reforms
25 September 2020
Labor is deeply concerned that today’s announcement on changes to responsible lending obligations signals an intention to dump the recommendations of the Banking Royal Commission.
SMEs Still Waiting For a Plan
24 September 2020
Today’s insolvency announcement comes as the Morrison Government prepares to withdraw billions of dollars from small businesses and local economies around the country by prematurely winding back JobKeeper and JobSeeker.