Media Releases

ABS Data Confirms More To Be Done On Jobs
02 February 2021
As the Morrison Government prepares to cut JobKeeper, new ABS figures confirm what Australians already know – the recovery from the worst recession in a century is patchy, and without the right economic supports too many workers will be left behind.
‘Exceptional Uncertainty' In Economy
27 January 2021
While the IMF’s new World Economic Outlook Update says prospects for global growth have improved, it still expects the international economy will be characterised by risk and uncertainty associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Frydenberg Fabricating JobFaker Figures
18 January 2021
Again today the Treasurer has been sprung exaggerating the number of jobs flowing from his hiring credits program, which is only expected to create around 45,000 jobs and not the 450,000 he has claimed.
Higher Savings Do Not Guarantee Jobs or Strong, Inclusive Recovery
14 January 2021
One of the reasons household savings have been higher than usual is because many people have been reacting to a lot of uncertainty.
Too Many Australians Stuck in Jobless Queues Ahead of Christmas
17 December 2020
New data shows a welcome increase in jobs, concentrated in Victoria where 80 per cent of new jobs were created, but more than 2.2 million Australians are still looking for work or more hours as the patchy recovery continues.
17 December 2020
Morrison Government Leaving Hundred of Thousands of Workers Behind
15 December 2020
New ABS figures confirm that more than two hundred thousand jobs still haven’t “come back”.
Morrison's Hiring Credits Punish Long-Term Unemployed Australians
10 December 2020
The RBA has today confirmed in its December Bulletin that the Morrison Government’s hiring credit scheme will not help many of the people worst affected by long-term unemployment.
Morrison Breaks Promise on Banking Roal Commission, Putting Millions of Australians at Risk
09 December 2020
Nearly two years after the Banking Royal Commission’s final report, the Morrison Government has introduced legislation that will dismantle consumer protections, abandoning the report’s first recommendation.
Digital Reform Delay Drags On
09 December 2020
It is disappointing that the uncertainty and delay around the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code will continue into 2021.