Media Releases

Cuts to Government Support a Risk to Jobs: Reserve Bank
06 November 2020
The Reserve Bank’s quarterly Statement on Monetary Policy highlighted growing concerns about high and rising unemployment in the face of fading government support.
Jobs Lost Across Australia After Morrison Slashes JobKeeper
04 November 2020
The latest ABS figures released today show a fall in jobs and wages in every state and territory in the first full fortnight after the Morrison Government cut JobKeeper prematurely.
RBA Interest Rate Decision (November 2020)
03 November 2020
The Reserve Bank has announced unprecedented and welcome measures to tackle the intensifying jobs crisis and support the economy following Scott Morrison’s underwhelming budget.
Revealed: JobFaker Out By Nearly One Million Jobs
27 October 2020
The Morrison Government has been caught out inflating the jobs figures associated with Budget measures by nearly one million jobs, but still won’t admit it.
Treasury Distances Department From Morrison's Dodgy Jobs Claims
26 October 2020
Today in Senate Estimates, Treasury officials distanced themselves from the dodgy jobs claims made by the Morrison Government as part of its energy and manufacturing announcements.
Hiring Credit Will Only Create 10 Per Cent of Promised Jobs
26 October 2020
Senate Estimates today has revealed that the JobMaker Hiring Credit is only expected to create 45,000 jobs, just 10 per cent of the 450,000 jobs that the Morrison Government claims will be supported by the program.
Treasurer Has Questions to Answer on ASIC Investigation
23 October 2020
Revelations have emerged that Treasurer Josh Frydenberg knew of concerns relating to the renumeration benefits of Australian Securities and Investments Commission Chair James Shipton for over a month before disclosing the investigation.
Broad-Based Fall in Retail Trade as Morrison Cuts Support
21 October 2020
Preliminary ABS retail data shows retail trade falling in every state as the Morrison Government prematurely cut JobKeeper and JobSeeker.
Jobs Decline in Every State and Territory as JobKeeper Cut
20 October 2020
New ABS figures out today show the Morrison Government cut JobKeeper in the same fortnight that jobs were lost in every state and territory, not just Victoria.
Jobs and Recovery at Risk From Early Cuts to Support: Deloitte
19 October 2020
A new report from Deloitte Access Economics has warned that Scott Morrison’s cuts to vital economic support risk jobs and the recovery, with Deloitte expecting higher unemployment compared to the Government’s Budget.