
ABC Brisbane Drive 20/07/20

20 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Federal Parliament postponement; Future of JobKeeper and JobSeeker; Opinion polls; Energy policy; State borders.

Brisbane Press Conference 16/07/20

16 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Skills and training; JobKeeper; Budget update; Jobs.

ABC Brisbane Drive 14/07/20

13 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Economic support; Future of JobKeeper and JobSeeker; Income Tax Cuts; the Australian economy; Modern Monetary Theory.

SBS News 13/07/20

13 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Income tax returns; JobKeeper; JobSeeker.

Logan Doorstop 11/07/20

11 July 2020

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper; State restrictions; Childcare; Remdesivir.

ABC Radio National 10/07/20

10 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Australia-China Relationship; JobKeeper. 

Brisbane Press Conference 08/07/20

08 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Victorian restrictions; Banks’ announcement on loan deferrals; Future of JobKeeper review; Tax cuts; Childcare.

ABC Brisbane Drive 06/07/20

06 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Mental Health and politics; Deloitte Access Economics Report; Eden-Monaro By-Election and Anthony Albanese; 2020 Defence Force Update; Mathias Cormann’s retirement. 

Brisbane Doorstop 06/07/20

06 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Eden-Monaro by-election; Deloitte June Outlook; Australia's economic recovery; Victorian outbreak; Social media and foreign interference. 

Sky News AM Agenda 06/07/20

06 July 2020

SUBJECTS: Victorian outbreak; Deloitte's June Outlook; Australia's economic recovery; JobKeeper; Superannuation Guarantee.