
ABC Afternoon Briefing 24/08/20

24 August 2020

SUBJECTS: Aged care crisis; The Labor Party; JobKeeper and JobSeeker; State borders; Vaccines.

ABC Brisbane Drive 24/08/20

24 August 2020

SUBJECTS: Lou Reed; Aged care crisis; Australians returning from overseas; China’s Thousand Talents program.

ABC Brisbane Drive 17/08/20

17 August 2020

SUBJECTS: State borders; Early access super; Aged care; Paid pandemic leave; Youth unemployment.

Springwood Doorstop 13/08/20

13 August 2020

SUBJECT: ABS Labour Force.

Politics with Michelle Grattan, The Conversation 13/08/20

13 August 2020

SUBJECTS: Consumer confidence; Stagnant wages; Unemployment; The need for a jobs plan; Debt; Business Investment; Cheaper and cleaner energy; Superannuation Guarantee; Income tax cuts; Border closures; Labor’s policy agenda; National Cabinet; Queensland State Election; Parliamentary sittings. 

ABC Brisbane Drive 10/08/20

10 August 2020

SUBJECTS: Reserve Bank forecasts; Unemployment and the economy; Australian dollar; Economic support measures in other countries; Superannuation; Limiting the spread of the Virus in South East Queensland. 

ABC Radio National Breakfast 07/08/20

07 August 2020

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper changes; Business community.

Brisbane Doorstop 07/08/20

07 August 2020

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper 3.0; Reserve Bank Statement on Monetary Policy; ALP National Conference.

ABC Brisbane Drive 03/08/20

03 August 2020

SUBJECTS: University funding; JobKeeper and compliance; Foreign interference; Aged care.

ABC Insiders 02/08/20

02 August 2020

SUBJECTS: Paid pandemic leave; Early access to superannuation; JobKeeper; Victorian outbreak; Aged care; Cheaper and cleaner energy.