Canberra Doorstop 27/10/20
27 October 2020
SUBJECTS: Victorian restrictions easing; Hiring credits; the Morrison Government’s jobs claims; Australia Post; Treasurer role in ASIC scandal.
ABC Radio National Breakfast 27/10/20
27 October 2020
SUBJECTS: The Government’s inflated hiring credit figures; Victorian and national economies; ASIC expenses and ministerial rorts; National Integrity Commission.
Canberra Doorstop 26/10/20
26 October 2020
SUBJECTS: NRL Grand Final; Victoria; Scott Morrison’s failures; Josh Frydenberg and ASIC.
ABC Brisbane Drive 26/10/20
26 October 2020
SUBJECTS: Australia Post; Morrison double-standards on ministerial rorts; Clive Palmer text messages.
National Press Club Q&A 14/10/20
14 October 2020
SUBJECTS: Federal Budget; Income Tax Cuts; Negative Gearing; Social Housing; Childcare.
ABC Brisbane Drive 12/10/20
14 October 2020
SUBJECTS: Federal budget; Debt; Hiring credits; Restart program.
Sky News Sunday Agenda 11/10/20
11 October 2020
SUBJECTS: Federal budget; Childcare; Debt; Hiring subsidies; Migration; Rewiring the Nation; Morrison Recession; QLD election; Mathias Cormann.