
Canberra Doorstop 17/12/20

17 December 2020

SUBJECTS: Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Update.

Logan Doorstop 16/12/20

16 December 2020

SUBJECTS: Mid-year budget update; Possible changes to ASIC; Inquiry into banks and climate change; Australia’s invitation to the G7; Referral of China to the WTO.

News Media Code Doorstop 08/12/20

08 December 2020

SUBJECT: News media code.

ABC Brisbane Drive 07/12/20

07 December 2020

SUBJECTS: Industrial Relations proposals; Media code; Christmas.

ABC Radio National Breakfast 03/12/20

03 December 2020

SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Recession and recovery; Labour market; JobKeeper; Over 35s excluded from hiring credits; China.

National Accounts Press Conference 02/12/20

02 December 2020

SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Recession and recovery; Labour market.

ABC The Business 02/12/20

02 December 2020

SUBJECTS: National Accounts; Recession and recovery; Labour market; JobSeeker.

Canberra Doorstop 30/11/20

30 November 2020

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper; National Accounts; Unemployment and underemployment; China Tariff Dispute. 

ABC Brisbane Drive 30/11/20

30 November 2020

SUBJECTS: New JobKeeper numbers; This week’s National Accounts; Government waste; Qantas Job Losses; China Dispute.

2GB The Ray Hadley Morning Show 25/11/20

25 November 2020

SUBJECT: Melanoma diagnosis.