Canberra Doorstop 18/02/21
18 February 2021
SUBJECT: Labour Force Figures; Community anger over Facebook’s news blackout
ABC Brisbane Drive 15/02/21
15 February 2021
SUBJECTS: News Media Bargaining Code; Closing the Gap; Labor’s plan for secure, well-paid jobs.
Sky News Sunday Agenda 14/02/21
14 February 2021
SUBJECTS: Quarantine facilities; Vaccines; Negative gearing and tax policy; Labor’s policy agenda; Industrial relations, secure work, better pay and fairer conditions; Consultation on policies; Economic recovery.
Maryborough Doorstop 09/02/21
09 February 2021
SUBJECTS: Visit to Queensland; manufacturing; Queensland tourism industry; COVID-19 affecting tourism sector; climate change; JobKeeper; Labor’s policy agenda; industrial relations; insecure work; COVID vaccine rollout; ports; Aussies stranded overseas.
ABC Brisbane Drive 08/02/21
08 February 2021
SUBJECTS: COVID-19 vaccination passports; Unanswered questions about vaccine rollout; Coalition’s track record of failing to deliver on its commitments; Anthony Albanese’s visit to Far North Queensland; Labor’s Jobs and Industry Taskforce.
Canberra Doorstop 04/02/21
04 February 2021
SUBJECTS: Second anniversary of the Banking Royal Commission final report; Government’s failure to implement two-thirds of the Royal Commission’s implementation; JobKeeper cuts; Government’s Industrial Relations changes will make job insecurity and stagnant wages worse; Caps Lock Craig and the Prime Minister; RBA Governor’s call to permanently increase JobSeeker; Media Ownership Laws.
RN Breakfast 04/02/21
04 February 2021
SUBJECTS: RBA Governor’s National Press Club speech; Unemployment, underemployment and wages the defining challenges in the recovery; Government’s Industrial Relations laws making stagnant wages and job insecurity worse, not better; JobKeeper cuts; Labor leadership.
Sky News AM Agenda 03/02/21
03 February 2021
SUBJECTS: Patchy economic recovery leaving workers and sectors behind; JobKeeper being withdrawn from communities and sectors still struggling; Government’s failure to deliver on economic announcements; Secure jobs; Cuts to pay and superannuation; Election date speculation.
Canberra Doorstop 01/02/21
01 February 2021
SUBJECTS: COVID in WA; Craig Kelly; Vaccination program; PM at press Club; Debt and waste; Jobkeeper and JobSeeker; Executive bonuses; Net zero emissions; Myanmar; James Shipton and ASIC; Media code; Aged care; Health advice.
Logan Doorstop 29/01/21
29 January 2021
SUBJECTS: JobKeeper payments to dead people; JobKeeper support for tourism and other effected industries; Premier Palaszczuk and Peter Dutton; International border closures; Jobs and Wages; Shadow Ministry.