
FIVEaa Mornings 16/03/21

16 March 2021

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper cuts will cut jobs in South Australia; Morrison Government’s failure to listen to what is happening in local communities and economies. 

ABC Brisbane Drive 15/03/21

15 March 2021

SUBJECTS: March for Justice; Australian Human Rights Commission Report; Independent Inquiry into allegations against Christian Porter

Sky News Business Weekend 14/03/21

14 March 2021

SUBJECTS: Disappointment at the government’s tourism announcement; Dressing up as a pilot no substitute for a jobs plan; Government rolling out vaccines too slowly and withdrawing economic support too quickly; Treasury estimates 100,000 jobs could be lost when JobKeeper is cut; Securing Australia’s AAA credit ratings; Budget riddled with rorts.

Sky News AM Agenda 12/03/21

12 March 2021

SUBJECTS: Morrison Government rolling out vaccines too slowly and withdrawing economic support too quickly; Widespread disappointment at the government’s announcement; Dressing up as a pilot no substitute for a jobs plan.

Brisbane Doorstop 12/03/21

12 March 2021

SUBJECTS: Morrison Government rolling out vaccines too slowly and removing economic support too quickly; Dressing up as a pilot is no plan for jobs; Malcolm Turnbull’s comments about the superannuation guarantee; Labor’s calls for a mandatory code for car dealers finally acknowledged by the government; Half a plan for half price airfares leaving communities in the lurch; Quad meeting; Questions for Michael Sukkar and the Liberal Party.

Launceston Press Conference 10/03/21

10 March 2021

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper cuts; Australian Maritime College; OECD warning about withdrawing support too quickly; Reserve Bank Governor’s comments on the recovery; Australia’s participation in Quad talks; Daniel Andrews; Labor’s commitment to Bass and Braddon; Christian Porter; Greg Hunt; Linda Reynolds; Leppington Triangle land deal; Budget riddled with rorts.

ABC Radio Hobart 10/03/21

10 March 2021

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper cuts in Tasmania; OECD warning about withdrawing support too quickly; Reserve Bank confirms JobKeeper cuts will lead to job losses; Budget riddled with rorts

4CA Cairns 09/03/21

09 March 2021

SUBJECTS: Anxiety about the Morrison Government’s JobKeeper cuts; Local anger at the Treasurer’s empty-handed visit to Cairns

4CA Cairns 08/03/21

08 March 2021

SUBJECTS: JobKeeper in Far North Queensland; Josh Frydenberg showing up empty-handed; Support for tourism; Labor in Queensland; Warren Entsch; Border closures; regional Queensland in the national economy; Kieran Gilbert.

Sky News Afternoon Agenda 08/03/21

08 March 2021

SUBJECTS: International Women’s Day; Closing the gender pay gap; Morrison Government’s JobKeeper cuts; Treasurer arriving empty-handed in Cairns.