National Press Club 19/05/21
19 May 2021
SUBJECTS: Morrison Government’s record low wages growth; Real wages cut in Budget; Unemployment and underemployment; Low and middle income earners receive temporary tax relief before the election and a tax increase after the election; Stage 3 tax cuts; Budget repair; Airforce Space Division; Morrison Government’s failures on quarantine and vaccines; China trade tensions; Growth assumptions; Government-funded gas-fired power station; Prime Minister’s confusion about Wellcamp quarantine proposal; Tax review; Land tax and stamp duty; Fiscal policy; Multinational taxes; Election debates.
Seven News Toowoomba 18/05/21
18 May 2021
SUBJECTS: Wellcamp quarantine proposal; Scott Morrison’s quarantine failures; Budget 2021.
ABC Brisbane Drive 17/05/21
17 May 2021
SUBJECTS: Fuel refineries; Morrison Government’s failures on quarantine; Post-Budget National Press Club address; Labor’s Budget Reply.