REBEL / BREEZE FM 12/05/21

12 May 2021






SUBJECT: Budget 2021


SCOTT MAYMAN, HOST: Good morning, Scott Mayman with a special news update. A quick look at the federal Budget handed down last night. The Shadow Treasurer and Member for Rankin Jim Chalmers joins us. Mr Chalmers, good morning.


JIM CHALMERS, SHADOW TREASURER: Good morning, Scott. Thanks for having me on the show.


MAYMAN: Was it a Budget document that was handed down last night or a re-election package?


CHALMERS: I think it was a series of political fixes cobbled together with an election in mind. It was more about marketing, mismanagement and missed opportunities, when what the country really needed was a plan for secure, well-paid jobs.


MAYMAN: You've done the numbers, what does it mean for local wages as we work towards a post pandemic era?


CHALMERS: One of the remarkable features of the Budget was even after spending $100 billion and racking up a $1 trillion in debt, the Budget actually says that real wages will go backwards, which is a pretty extraordinary admission of failure.


MAYMAN: $1,080 a year, it's a tax offset for the average Joe Bloggs, is that enough?


CHALMERS: Well, that tax break is welcome in the sense that any tax relief for people on low and middle incomes is a good thing. But one of the things that your listeners need to understand is the tax relief for people on low and middle incomes is actually temporary in the Budget but tax relief for the highest income earners is permanent. And I think a lot of people will think that's not fair.


MAYMAN: Tax relief for Logan City small breweries, this also has an impact for those who enjoy the amber fluid now and again. What can we see happening here?


CHALMERS: There is a tax break for brewers there and I've spoken to Dean there at Monkey Tree Brewing on Compton Road. He's very supportive of what the Government has announced and I think we are too, but we need to make sure that small businesses right across the board are supported. And that's been one of our priorities in the Budget response after the Budget was handed down last night.


MAYMAN: Jim Chalmers is the federal Shadow Treasurer and Member for Rankin. Thanks for your time this morning.


CHALMERS: Thanks for your time, Scott. All the best.