Logan Central Doorstop 28/7/21

28 July 2021




SUBJECTS: Extension of Sydney Lockdown; JobKeeper.
JIM CHALMERS, SHADOW TREASURER: We feel for the people of Sydney who need strength and solidarity on what is a really difficult day, with the announcement of the extension of these lockdowns. These lockdowns aren't just happening on Scott Morrison's watch, they're on Scott Morrison's head. We wouldn't be in this position if Scott Morrison had done his job on vaccines and quarantine. These lockdowns and made necessary by his failure when it comes to vaccines and quarantine. We'll be having more of these lockdowns for longer until the Prime Minister gets his act together and fixes the vaccine rollout, fixes quarantine and brings back JobKeeper for all the workers and small businesses who are impacted. 

There's a human cost to these lockdowns, but there's a massive economic cost as well. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being bled from the national economy every day and billions of dollars a week as a consequence of the Prime Minister's failures. We're seeing it in the retail numbers, we're seeing it in the confidence numbers, we're seeing it in the Commonwealth Bank expectations that there'll be big losses, as a consequence of Scott Morrison's failures on vaccines and quarantine. 

We need to see JobKeeper brought back without the rorts, with the right people included. If not JobKeeper, if they want to call it something else, bring back something that has the essential elements of JobKeeper in it. 

Another month of lockdowns, is another reason to bring back JobKeeper. Scott Morrison's excuse that these would be short, sharp lockdowns, has now evaporated. 

This is a longer lockdown for Sydney, and it just points to the importance of having JobKeeper without the rorts, or something like JobKeeper in place so that workers and small businesses in Sydney don't needlessly hit the fence. 

Extra support from the Commonwealth Government would be welcome but no substitute for JobKeeper if it doesn't maintain that link between workers and their employers as well. The Prime Minister has had three attempts at replacing JobKeeper and about to be on to his fourth. Another set of support would be welcome, any support is welcome, but no substitute for JobKeeper if it doesn't maintain that link between employer and employee. 

So we say to the Prime Minister no more excuses, no more half measures, no more hiding away, no more complacency, no more arrogance, come to the table and do the right thing for the people and small businesses of Sydney who desperately need your help. The people of Sydney, are locked down, don't leave them behind. 

The people of Sydney desperately need a Prime Minister who doesn't take small businesses for granted, but actually steps in and does something in their hour of need. 

Prime Minister, swallow your pride, admit that you are wrong to cut JobKeeper and actually do something for people in small businesses before they needlessly hit the fence in Sydney, and in locked-down communities around Australia as well. 

Prime Minister you stuffed up the vaccines, it's time to stump up JobKeeper. If we are genuinely all in this together, then the federal government needs to recognise we're in this position because of  Scott Morrison's failures on vaccines and quarantine. He stuffed up vaccines, it's time to stump up JobKeeper. 

Thanks very much.