05 November 2022








*Check against delivery*


Delegates and friends – thank you for that characteristically kind Queensland welcome.


The Prime Minister and I have been right around Australia this past week, but there’s no place we’d rather finish up than here on the Sunny Coast. 


In the state where the Labor Party was born.


In the part of Australia where Kevin and Swanny were born.


Now a thriving, inviting, beautiful city – built on the lands of the Kabi Kabi people.


Right around Australia we acknowledge the customs, traditions and elders of First Nations people.


We commit ourselves to a Constitutionally-enshrined Voice. 


And we do not turn a blind eye to the Sorry Business that saw young Cassius Turvey’s life extinguished and his promise thieved – 


We know we have a long way to go in this country, and we’ll go further and faster if we walk together and if we capture the spirit and grace shown by his mum and his family. 


To Kate, Zac and John, to Sharon and Sean, and the Queensland Labor team we appreciate all the work that goes into gathering us.


Today I have two jobs.


The first is to say thank you.


Thank you to the mighty rank and file of our labour movement – in our branches and unions.


For everything you did, and everything you do, to fly the Labor flag in our suburbs, cities, towns and regions.


For standing together in solidarity, in the pelting rain and in that withering wind on election day – 


Because you knew, and we knew, that changing the government was our big chance to change our country and our communities for the better.


Thank you.


For sending to the national parliament colleagues of the calibre and character of Murray Watt, Anika Wells, Anthony Chisholm, Nita Green, Shayne Neumann, Graham Perrett – and Mr Speaker, Milton Dick.


Not a big enough team, but plenty effective and plenty influential.


Thank you.


For the opportunity to work together with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk – and with Treasurer Cameron Dick and with Steven and Grace and our outstanding state Labor government.


Premier, we know what steady, authentic, people-focused leadership looks like because you’ve provided it here for seven years and we admire you for it.


Thank you.


And that brings me to my second job today – to invite Anthony Albanese to address our conference once again, but for the first time as Prime Minister.


Come to think of it, Annastacia is now onto her fourth prime minister.


The first three she had to stare down and see off.


So her fourth prime minister, and at last a good one!


At last, a real one.


One who knows his Yeppen from his Yeppoon.


Who knows every inch of the Bruce like the back of his hand – and that’s because he’s proud of the role he played in upgrading it.


A Prime Minister who comes to Queensland because he likes us.

Understands us.


Values us.


Who sees our potential.


And wants to work with us.


Not one who drops in just long enough to bag us and bolt – pick a fight and piss off – like the last guy did.


Or the Liberal who replaced him – a guy who spent an entire Budget reply convincing us he was nothing more than Scott Morrison, without the ukulele.


The leader of the leftovers.


Delegates – 


In uncertain times – 


The global economy deteriorating – 


A war in Europe dragging on –


Price pressures intensifying as a consequence.


With pressures coming at us from around the world – 


But felt around the kitchen table.


Australians need, deserve – and now have – an optimistic leader who wants to bring people together.


Who will make the right calls, for the right reasons.


And govern for the whole country.


That’s what Anthony’s all about.


It’s what his Government – your Government – is all about.


It’s what our Budget was all about, last week.


There are hard days ahead, and hard decisions to accompany them.


But together we are laying the foundations for a more responsible Budget, and a more resilient economy.


By investing in our people, giving them a hand where we can, building buffers against uncertainty and vulnerability, at the same time as we build a better future.


That’s why in less than six months we’ve already:


  • Supported an increase to minimum and award wages for millions of workers.


  • Started fixing aged care. 


  • Introduced cheaper child care and expanded paid parental leave. 


  • Boosted access to TAFE and universities. 


  • Secured a new National Housing Accord to build the affordable homes our country desperately needs. 


  • Made medicines cheaper. 


  • Ended the climate wars.


  • And begun to fix the broken bargaining system. 


None of this would be possible without you – 


Or without the leadership Anthony provides. 


And that’s why it makes me so proud as a Queensland Labor member for 25 years –


To come to a Queensland Labor conference and say these words:


Please welcome my friend, and our Prime Minister –


Anthony Albanese.