Secret JobKeeper Cuts a Risk to Thousands of Workers in Eden-Monaro

30 June 2020



New numbers reveal around 4,822 businesses and organisations in Eden-Monaro and an estimated 18,000 workers they employ are at risk if the Government withdraws JobKeeper support too early.
These are the local businesses and workers held hostage by the Liberal and National Government’s decision to keep the JobKeeper review secret until after the by-election.
For people in Eden-Monaro worried that JobKeeper will be cut too soon, this by-election is their chance to send the Government a message.
New figures based on Treasury data have found that around one third of businesses in Eden-Monaro are participating in the JobKeeper scheme, with around 4,822 enrolled.
These businesses and organisations in Eden-Monaro could employ around 18,000 workers on JobKeeper, according to estimates based on official figures.
The Government received its secret report into JobKeeper last week but has decided to sit on it until after the Eden-Monaro by-election.
Businesses are already laying off workers because of the uncertainty this delay is creating.
Thousands of businesses and workers in Eden-Monaro alone, and millions of workers across the country, are increasingly anxious that they will be left out and left behind during this first recession in three decades.
Make no mistake, a secret plan to cancel JobKeeper too early would see more businesses close and more workers heading to Centrelink to join the unemployment queues.
Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg should stop putting politics before people and their jobs.
Labor calls on this Liberal Government to immediately release their secret report into JobKeeper instead of keeping Australians in the dark until after the by-election is done and dusted.
Labor wants to make sure the people of Eden-Monaro are never forgotten or left behind.