06 October 2023

Review of workplace culture at the Productivity Commission

The Productivity Commission will undergo significant workplace reform after an independent review found the need to improve its internal culture.

Following a complaint, the Treasury commissioned an independent review into the Productivity Commission’s workplace culture.

The review found a small number of former employees had engaged in unacceptable behaviour and a culture of sexism, sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination existed in pockets of the Commission.

The review predominately examined events prior to 2022 and the inappropriate behaviour of a small number of employees who are no longer with the Commission.

The review makes 23 recommendations focused on improving the Commission’s leadership, culture and support mechanisms, to better identify risks, and to make the complaint handling process more accountable and transparent.

The report notes that in recent years the Commission has improved its policies and reporting procedures in line with the Respect@Work recommendations – but more needs to be done.

Everyone has the right to a safe and respectful workplace.

I thank current and former staff for participating in the review.

I have spoken to the incoming chair, Danielle Wood, who has agreed to the Commission implementing all the recommendations. The Commission will report on its progress after 12 months.