Prime Minister and Treasurer at Odds Over "Snapback"

12 May 2020

Today in Question Time, Scott Morrison claimed he didn’t say the economy would “snap back” after the crisis. Josh Frydenberg says he did.
When asked whether he stood by his comments that the economy would “snap back”, Morrison said:
“What I was referring to was the other side of the six-month period, Mr Speaker, and that was the change that would need to occur regarding the temporary measures we put in place for JobKeeper and for businesses to be able to restart.”
But according to Josh Frydenberg:
“The Prime Minister was very strong on how there would be a snap back. They were his words. The economy would ‘snap back’ and we wanted the economy to bounce back stronger.” – 13 March 2020, The Australian
This is not about the slogans the Prime Minister abandons, it’s about the workers he abandons if he withdraws this support too soon or without factoring in the long tail of this recovery.