Morrison's Hiring Credits Punish Long-Term Unemployed Australians

10 December 2020

The RBA has today confirmed in its December Bulletin that the Morrison Government’s hiring credit scheme will not help many of the people worst affected by long-term unemployment.
The exclusion of older Australians more likely to experience long-term unemployment will only create more barriers for these people trying to re-enter the workforce.
More Australians will be left out and left behind in the wake of this recession because of deliberate and damaging decisions like this.
The Bulletin highlights that the average age of a long-term unemployed Australian, 37 years old, is two years older than the Government’s hiring credit cut off.
While this flagship budget measure was introduced to stop the cycle of long-term unemployment, we find today that the average long-term job seeker is not eligible for the hiring credit.
This latest revelation comes after Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg were caught out inflating the jobs figures associated with this policy by 90 per cent.
Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg must come clean and admit their big announcements about job creation are a sham.
In the deepest and most damaging recession in almost a century, the Australian people deserve a Government that chases jobs, not headlines, and doesn’t leave workers over 35 behind.