Morrison Refuses to Shut Down Backbench Super Attack

22 July 2019

Scott Morrison refused twice today to guarantee the Government won’t cave in to pressure from backbenchers and cut workers’ retirement incomes.
The Prime Minister was given repeated opportunities in Question Time to rule out a push by seven of his backbenchers to axe the scheduled increase in the Superannuation Guarantee to 12 per cent, but refused.
When asked if he’d rule out ditching the legislated increase, Morrison dodged the question and said:
            “There is no change to the Government’s policy.”
                                                                                     (Question Time, 22 July 2019)
The Prime Minister’s weasel words come after Senator Simon Birmingham revealed on Sky News this morning that ditching the increase wasn’t being ruled out in the future:
“…it's not the Government's intentions or plans to change what's legislated at this point in time.”
                                                                         (Sky News AM Agenda, 22 July 2019)
The test for Scott Morrison today was to stand up to the extremists on his backbench and rule out thieving workers’ super, and he failed dismally.
The Liberals are clearly gearing up for another attack on the retirement incomes of Australian workers.
At a time when workers’ wages are stagnant, the Liberals also want less money going into their retirement balances as well.
The Liberal Party has form when it comes to undermining superannuation, and this is just the latest attack on workers’ retirement incomes.
Labor created our world-class superannuation system so workers can have dignity in retirement, and we’ll always fight to protect it.
MONDAY, 22 JULY 2019