More Cuts to Super Would Leave More Workers Behind

22 June 2020

Renewed calls from the Morrison Government’s backbench to freeze the legislated Superannuation Guarantee increase just weeks before the Retirement Income Review is due are extremely concerning.
This crisis shouldn’t be an excuse for more attacks on Australia’s world-class super system.
Just as with the budget update and the JobKeeper review, the Morrison Government is deliberately keeping Australians in the dark about their secret plans to snap back to their old ideological tendencies until after the Eden-Monaro by-election.
It’s clearer than ever that Scott Morrison created the Retirement Income Review as a stalking horse for more cuts to super.
This shows the Liberals haven’t learned a thing from their botched roll-out of Government support which has forced Australians to raid their retirement savings, with hundreds of thousands of dollars of hard-earned savings stolen by fraudsters. 
More workers will be left behind in their retirement if this Liberal Government again delays the long-overdue increase to the Superannuation Guarantee that they were promised, have earned, and deserve. 
The Liberals have tried time and time again to gut the incomes of retirees and pensioners by cutting the pension, trying to increase the pension age to 70, and delaying the increase to the Superannuation Guarantee.
Attacks on the pension and superannuation are in their DNA.
MONDAY, 22 JUNE 2020